Unusual Ice Cream Flavors
Try it if you dare it!
Booger. Vanilla ice cream, caramel, and marshmallow bits make up the base of this snot-coloured treat, dyed green with food colouring to give it a sickly appearance. Cicada. In this flavour, which is unfortunately no longer available, chocolate-encased boiling cicadas (a type of insect) were dipped in brown sugar, creating a whole new ice cream world. A brown sugar and butter flavour was then added to the ice cream.
Unusual Ice Cream Flavors
Try it if you dare it!
Vanilla. The flavour of this ice cream has nothing to do with its strangeness. English ice cream maker included the proteins that make jellyfish glow in his vanilla ice cream recipe. So when you lick the ice cream, the ice cream's proteins are activated, causing your scoops to glow. Cereal-based milk. Rather than dessert, this sweet with a cereal flavour might remind you of a sweet breakfast: Cornflakes are sprinkled on top, and the drink has a milky taste. Pizza. This pizza is best enjoyed while it is still cold. Try pizza ice cream with tomato, basil, oregano, salt, and garlic.